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Relief (appliqué) (Front)
Relief (appliqué) French; 14th century Amiens, Musée de Picardie, Inv. M.P.3063.546
Chess piece (Side)
Chess piece ; 13th century Stockholm, Historiska museet (The Swedish History Museum), Inv. 1304:1838:139
Box (boite) (End, left)
Box (boite) Italian (Piemont?; Lombardy); 15th century Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum, Inv. F 64
Rosary bead (chapelet), 3 faces
Rosary bead (chapelet), 3 faces North French or South Netherlandish (Flemish); 16th century Toronto, The Thomson Collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), 29277
Statuette (Front, detail)
Statuette Unpublished; Private collection, France (in 2014), s/n
Box (boite) (Bottom)
Box (boite) South Netherlandish; 15th century London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 6747-1860
Gabled triptych, 2 and 3 registers, with quatrefoils (quatre-feuilles); reliefs (appliqués) (Bottom)
Gabled triptych, 2 and 3 registers, with quatrefoils (quatre-feuilles); reliefs (appliqués) Italian (Venice); 19th century Fécamp, Palais Bénédictine, Inv. A-1-b01
Panel (possibly fragment of a diptych) 1 register, 1 arch across (plaquette; colonnettes) (Back)
Panel (possibly fragment of a diptych) 1 register, 1 arch across (plaquette; colonnettes) French; 15th century; 19th century Zürich, Swiss National Museum, AG 1319
Box (boite; colonnettes) (Front)
Box (boite; colonnettes) English (?); 19th century Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum, Inv. F 3588
Box (boite) (Lid)
Box (boite) Unpublished; Unknown location, s/n

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